
Emerging Leadership

Invest in rising talent for a long-term return.

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Leadership Habits

Question: What would be the impact if the managers and supervisors in your organization understood how to effectively connect with their employees, set expectations, conduct 1:1 and team meetings, address performance problems, and coach their team to success?

It would be huge!  But, we have a problem! Most managers and supervisors were promoted from individual contributor roles with little-to-no training on how to lead people. They likely received job-specific training but nothing on the basics of leading people.

This gap in skills negatively effects communication, performance, employee retention, and exacts significant financial costs on an organization. We can help! Over the course of one 2-hour training session and two coaching sessions, managers and supervisors learn five simple, easy-to-use exercises for getting in good "leadershape" and are provided the tools and prompts to build them into habits. This small financial and time investment will yield significant, measurable benefits.


Before and after surveys will assess the leadership performance and its improvement


Email Reminders will prompt leaders to put what they’ve learned into practice


A 2 hour, virtual session will teach the importance of and 5 basic steps of strong workplace leadership


2 follow-up 30 minute sessions will further coach the leaders on use of the 5 basic steps.


A Get In Leadershape Playbook will provide guidance, sample approaches, templates, etc. for leaders’ daily use


A 3 hours time commitment over 1 month (and no travel!) is all that is required.
I would love to meet you.

Let's talk.
